Tuesday 29 July 2014

Muddy Sports Gear

Good Morning!

With all of the lovely weather we have been having in Melbourne recently I thought a blog about getting mud out of soccer or footy gear was appropriate.

Photo from www.electricart.com.au

The first thing that I do when dealing with muddy clothing is soak it. Place all of the muddy garments into a buck or laundry troth with warm water, I normally place some napisan vanish into the water as well, and let it soak overnight.

Note: Make sure the sports gear that you are washing doesn't have any grass stains of blood stains. Hot or warm water will set blood and grass stains only cold water will remove them.

Next up I check the sports gear as I put them into the washing machine, pulling out any of the items that still have marks on them so that I can scrub them. Most of the time soaking takes care of most of the stains.

After putting the uniform through the wash the next thing I do is hang it up on coat hangers to let it air dry. Most sports uniforms are made out a lightweight polyester type of material so they will shrink if you put them into the dryer, also the colours have a higher possibility of fading.

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